Burnsville Loaves and Fishes Volunteering

Loaves and Fishes is a state-wide non-profit organization whose mission is to provide healthy meals to Minnesotans in areas where need is greatest. You can learn more about this organization by clicking here: Loaves and Fishes - Meals. Comfort. Kindness. (loavesandfishesmn.org)
Faith Covenant Church, located at 12921 Nicollet Ave, Burnsville, MN 55337, operates as a Loaves and Fishes site every Wednesday. They provide curbside meals to anyone who comes between 5:30-6:30pm! Beginning in January 2024, Risen Savior has committed to staffing their volunteer needs on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Since spring 2023, Risen Savior has provided financial support to this program in recognition of the need it is filling in our community.
If you're interested in volunteering, keep reading!
Volunteers are needed in 2 shifts:
- From 2-5pm to help prepare and package the meals (3 volunteers needed)
- From 5-7:30pm to distribute the meals to curbside customers and clean up (3 volunteers needed)
- If on their own, volunteers must be 16 years or older.
- If with a parent/guardian, volunteers must be 12 years or older.
- All volunteers will be asked to sign a code of conduct with Faith Covenant their first time volunteering.
You do not need to commit to coming every month in order to volunteer for this opportunity. There is an on-site coordinator who is with the volunteers the whole time. She plans and shops for the meal, and volunteers follow her instructions to put it together!
Use the Flocknote link below to sign up for a spot!