Risen Savior Townhall Meetings February 2024

Hand holding a microphone in front of a blurred background.

Upcoming Townhall Sessions

Fr. Matthew and Parish Leadership would like to hear from registered parishioners. What is the parish doing well? What can the parish do better? What isn’t the parish doing that we should be doing? What should we be doing less of? The opportunity to share responses to those questions and to raise other questions/comments from registered parishioners specific to Risen Savior parish, will occur during Town Hall Meetings scheduled in the Sanctuary on:

  • Thursday February 15 6:30 p.m.
  • Sunday February 18 2:30 p.m.
  • Monday February 19 10:00 a.m.

Questions/comments can be raised through several channels:

  • Before the sessions, send an email to townhall@risensavior.org. Include your name, email address, phone number, and state that you are a registered parishioner.
  • Fill out a Question/Comment card in the Commons after Masses on February 3/4 or February 10/11.
  • During the Open Microphone portion of each Town Hall session, after stating your name and confirming you are a registered parishioner.

If Parish leadership is unable to address each question/comment during the Town Hall session they have committed to provide a response following the meeting using the contact information provided by each questioner/commenter.

For those unable to attend a live Town Hall session, the sessions will be recorded and available for viewing on the Risen Savior YouTube channel after the sessions. During the sessions, every effort will be made to translate questions/comments and responses in English and Spanish.

These sessions will help Fr. Matthew and Parish Leadership develop a multi-year strategic plan designed to address the issues raised by parishioners. To ensure accountability and transparency, the strategic plan will be made available to the parish with periodic updates as to progress, changes, revisions, etc.

Please contact the Parish Administrator at administrator@risensavior.org or call (952) 698-1720 with questions regarding the townhall sessions.