The Prayer Shawl Ministry is comprised of a group of caring knitters who prayerfully create shawls. The prayer shawl is a loving representation of God’s presence. The quiet prayers and the busy needles of this group create prayer shawls that bring physical warmth and spiritual comfort.
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets here at the Church the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m.
The Peacemaker Ministry is a group of quilters who create quilts to be given to people in times of illness, loss, or transition. These beautiful quilts prayerfully created are designed to be a tangible sign of God’s love and compassion. Our Peacemakers also craft quilt squares that are given to a child at the time of their Baptism.
Peacemakers Ministry meets here at the Church the first Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m.
Contact: Chris Sorensen (952) 698-1722, [email protected]