Prayers of the Faithful for April 6 & 7, 2019


Aware of God’s mercy and forgiveness, let us pray with confidence to our loving Father.


For the whole church that is in need of forgiveness and mercy, we pray:

For each of us gathered here in faith, may we share with others the mercy and compassion with which God has blessed us, we pray:

For all who have been injured or betrayed: that we may let go of resentments, be freed of judgments and attend to what God is asking of us today, we pray:

For conversion of heart: that we may give up rationalizing our sinfulness and instead accept God’s generous offer of mercy, we pray:

For a spirit of openness: that we may recognize and cooperate with the new things that God is doing in our hearts and in our world, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Sue McSherry, Cheri Ventrucci, and Jim Fitzpatrick. May they be healed and comforted by God’s love; we pray:

For those who have died, especially, Ellen Casey; may they know the joy of the resurrection, we pray:


Merciful God, we know that we are all sinners. Help us to be compassionate toward one another and to remember that you are always ready to offer us forgiveness and new life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.