Prayers of the Faithful for April 8 & 9, 2017


My brothers and sisters in Christ, as we enter this Holy Week, let us pray for our world and ourselves, asking God for what we need to make a holy difference.


For a holy week of peace in those places where there is violence, we pray …

For a holy week of unity among all Christians, we pray …

For a holy week for those without homes, without jobs, without a means to provide for their loved ones, we pray …

For those who will receive the sacraments of initiation at Easter and be received into the church, and for this community as we enter these holy days together, we pray …

For a holy week for those who are ill and have asked for our prayers especially Joyce Muehlbauer, Allison Jurkovich, Jessie LaSalle, May all who suffer be encouraged by Jesus, who conquered suffering and death, we pray…

For those who have died especially, James Metry, the brother of Fred Metry; Ken Schindler, the father of Marilyn Buhta; and for those who are dying, and for those who are grieving the passing of a loved one, we pray …