Prayers of the Faithful for August 25 & 26, 2018


We who were pledged by baptism to serve the Lord pray now for one another and for others both near and far.


For the Church: that we may daily choose to follow Christ and find the fulfillment of all our deepest longings in Him, we pray:

For bishops, Church leaders, and the faithful: to hold one another accountable for the sin and crimes of sexual abuse, we pray:

For those who struggle with faith, especially those whose faith has been shaken by the Church or by other believers, we pray:

For the ability to reverence one another: that we may recognize Christ in one another and strive to honor and encourage each other toward wholeness, we pray:

For those about to make commitments to marriage; for those married many years, and for those whose marriages are strained or broken, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Randy Bedard and Jeanne Perna. May God strengthen them, renew them, and fill them with healing, we pray:

For those who have died, especially, Floyd Perna, the husband of Jeanne Perna. May they share in the heavenly banquet and experience the peace and joy of God’s kingdom, we pray:


Loving God, you offer us hope by calling us to life in Jesus. Grant us the courage to respond to this ongoing invitation. Make us one with all those who have chosen to serve you. We pray in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.