Prayers of the Faithful for December 22 & 23, 2018


Because we believe that the Savior is among us, we joyfully make our needs known.


For all members of the church, may they joyfully announce the presence of the Savior by the goodness of their lives, we pray:

For all people of the world, may they live in peace and justice, and thus announce the nearness of God, we pray:

For those in need, may they be lifted up by the generosity this season of giving inspires, we pray:

For parents expecting the birth of a child this season, we pray:

For all of us here, may each of us encounter the Christmas mystery of the Savior’s presence in joyful sharing among family and friends, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers. May all who suffer be encouraged by the Lord’s coming…we pray

For those who have died, especially, Helen Moran the wife of Tom Moran. May all who grieve find comfort in God’s love and promise through Mary, our Blessed Mother…we pray:


Gracious God, you visit your people in so many ways. Hear these our prayers for our needs as we announce your nearness to all those we meet. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.