Prayers of the Faithful for July 7 & 8, 2018


We who are called to respond in faith to Jesus’ prophetic word pray humbly for ourselves, for our neighbors and for the whole world.


For the church, that it may welcome the voices of prophecy wherever and from whomever they come, we pray:

For our Archdiocese, that God will lift up Archbishop Bernard Hebda as he leads us in efforts to heal, we pray:

For greater trust: that God will strengthen us when we feel inadequate because of weaknesses or inexperience and free us to become passionate disciples, we pray:

For those in our parish who help feed the hungry, especially those who contribute and bring food to 360 Communities, the local food shelf in Burnsville, we pray:

For all families and communities which are divided: that the healing power of God’s Spirit may lead them to reconciliation and forgiveness, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers; may they find comfort and healing, through God’s love, we pray:

For those who have died, and for all who mourn their passing, we pray:


Loving God, you sent Jesus to reveal your love and your will for us. Grant us faith, openness to your word and the courage to share it with others. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.