Prayers of the Faithful for May 4 & 5, 2019


Confident that God provides for all our needs, we lift up our prayers to the Lord.


For the Church: that empowered by the Holy Spirit, we may give convincing witness to the freeing and healing power of the Risen Christ, we pray:

For greater discipleship: that we may not be limited by past failures but rather be attentive to the new invitations from God to serve more fully today, we pray:

For the children receiving First Communion this week: that they may grow in their faith and their awareness of God’s love for them, we pray:

For our families: that mealtimes spent together may be times of nourishment, healing, reconciliation, and encouragement of one another, we pray:

For a spirit of openness and acceptance: that we may welcome the stranger and immigrant into our communities, and help them to build a new life, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked us to pray for them including: Susan Swanton, Donna Chur, Andy LaMott, Tom Diger, and Andrew Joseph Ebert. For comfort and healing for all who are ill, we pray:

 For those who have died, especially Gerald Dashow, the husband of Catherine Dashow; Cathy Capasso; and LaVona Schmidt, the mother of Sheila DeVoss. Comfort all who mourn the passing of a loved one, we pray:


Gracious God, you sustain us in life and provide us with everything we need. Help us to trust in your loving care. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.