Prayers of the Faithful for October 21 & 22, 2017

Presider:   Let us pray that we live with undivided hearts, giving God what belongs to God.


For the Church: that we may manifest each day the work of faith, the labor of love, and the endurance of hope that is ours as God’s people, we pray:

For leaders of nations, that that they work diligently to overcome the divisions that bring harm and destruction to the world, we pray:

For all God’s people: that formed in the image and likeness of God, we will manifest God’s presence in our workplaces, our families, and our society, we pray:

For those going on the mission trip to Haiti: may your fruitful work bring God’s blessing on the people you care for and may you return safely home, we pray:

For all recovering from storms and wildfires: that God will give them strength, open a new vision for rebuilding their lives, and find the support and companionship which they need, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including: Jean Volkov, Marcia Anderson, Ray Hanson, Lynnette Kluver, and Howard Hufnagle . May they find comfort in the healing touch of God and by the loving care of family and friends, we pray:

For  all who have died, that God will fill them with life and give consolation and peace to those who grieve them, we pray:


Gracious God, you call us to put on the heart of your divine Son. Hear our prayers that all divisions among us might be healed and one day we will share eternally in the fullness of your kingdom. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.