Prayers of the Faithful October 7 & 8, 2023

Presider: We pray now for our many needs and the needs of the whole world.


  • For the Church: that we may be a fruitful garden, producing a harvest rich in justice, compassion, mercy and forgiveness, we pray:
  • For a deeper relationship with God: that we may not be satisfied with simply using religious words and gestures but rather make the Gospel the source of all our words and deeds, we pray:
  • That during this Respect Life Month our resolve will be strengthened to cherish and protect the gift of every human life, we pray:
  • For humility: that we may recognize what is truthful, just, honorable, and worthy of praise in ourselves and one another, and further the reign of God through them, we pray:
  • For civility in public life: that public discourse may focus on ideas and programs, and that the election speeches and materials will respect the dignity of each person, we pray:


Loving and nurturing God, we ask for the courage and grace to accept our responsibilities as fruitful people in your vineyard each day of our lives. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.