Faith and Racial Justice

Faith and Racial Justice

What humans break, divide, and separate, we can — with God’s help — also heal, unite, and restore. What is now does not have to be. Therein lies the hope. And the challenge.

Fr. Bryan N. Massingale, Racial Justice and the Catholic Church

As a people of faith in a God of love, mercy, and justice, we are called to be signs and sources of love, mercy, and justice in our world. This likely means being uncomfortable as we examine our own biases and privilege. It likely means feeling sadness and anger as we open our eyes to the wounds of the world we live in. And it means walking with one another in trust and hope that we can be co-creators of a more just and loving world.

We offer this page as a starting point to pray, learn, serve, and advocate for racial justice.

Contact: Ben Caduff, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, (952) 698-1724,

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