Prayers of the Faithful – November 13 & 14, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful – November 13 & 14, 2021


Let us pray for ourselves, our neighbors and all those who are looking for God’s presence in the world.


  • For the Church: that we may be a light in times of confusion and turmoil through the witness of our lives and our compassionate care for others we pray:
  • For veterans, as we recently celebrated Veteran’s Day; that God will continue to bless all those who have given of themselves to serve our country, we pray:
  • For safety on the roadways, that God protect all in their travels as the weather turns cold, we pray:
  • For the lonely, especially those shut-in or kept from loved ones as a result of the pandemic, we pray:
  • For the Risen Savior community as we navigate this time of transition in the wake of loss, we pray:
  • For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Scott Highberg and David Osterkamp, May all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community, we pray:
  • For those who have died, especially Julie Zender; may they all enjoy the peace of God’s kingdom.


God of promise, keep us alert to the signs of your presence in our midst. Help us to be hopeful and patient, especially in times of discouragement or chaos. Let us be signs for others who also wait. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.