Prayers of the Faithful – September 11 & 12, 2021
Prayers of the Faithful – September 11 & 12, 2021
We who profess to follow Jesus rely on prayer to strengthen us. And so we pray now for ourselves, for one another and for the whole world.
- For the Church of the Risen Savior, on this day that we celebrate 50 years as a faith community, that God bless us with the strength and fortitude to continue to live out our mission: Our Doors Are Open to All, The Eucharist is a Celebration of the Risen Savior, and Our Call is to Love and to Serve. we pray:
- For all the deceased from Church of the Risen Savior who were part of building the history of our faith community; that God grant them eternal rest, we pray:
- As we enter the month of the Season of Creation, that God grant us: the humility to hear and listen to the Wisdom of our Earth home, the courage to acknowledge the role we play in the climate crisis, and the strength to work for change for the good of all, we pray:
- For all who are bracing for, or recovering from natural disasters across our country at this time; may God keep them safe and give them courage in these trying times, we pray:
- As we reflect on the 20 years since the 9/11 attacks: for all those who died and for all those whose lives were forever changed by the events of that day; that God will grant us all the grace of healing, peace, and reconciliation, we pray:
- For peace: that God will turn hearts from violence and revenge, protect the innocent from harm and bring forth a new season of justice and peace, we pray:
- For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Tom Diger and Marge Donofrio May all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community, we pray:
Loving God, you sent your son to be the Christ and our Savior: hear our prayers, be with us always as we follow him faithfully, and lead us to eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.