Prayers of the Faithful for November 28 & 29, 2020

Prayers of the Faithful for November 28 & 29, 2020


Let us pray that this holy season will make us alert to Christ’s coming through the needs and concerns of all people.


  • For the Church: that we may be awake to life each day, roused from sleep-waking through life, and freed from avoidance of issues, we pray,  
  • For patience during this Advent season: that we may discover God’s word in every sound that touches our ears, God’s touch in every human embrace, and God’s love in every gesture of self-sacrifice among us, we pray:  
  • For healing of our nation: that God will heal the wounds of the political campaigns, restore civil dialogue, and help us to address together the greatest needs of our country, we pray:  
  • For all who are suffering from violence, famine, persecution, or neglect: that God will destroy the bonds that hold them and open the doors of mercy and compassion for them, we pray:  
  • For all who must wait: that God will strengthen and comfort all who are waiting with the sick, those awaiting a diagnosis or a test result, those separated from loved ones, and those who are held unjustly, we pray:  
  • For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers.May they and all who suffer be comforted by your healing touch and by the prayers of friends and family, we pray:  
  • Today we pray for our Beloved Dead: Clifford Ward, Jean Dineen, Lottie Burczyk, Dorothy McCabe and Mary Griffin, as well as for those who have recently died, especially John Finken, son of Brenda Finken. May God comfort those who mourn the passing of a loved-one, we pray:  


God who is ever present, grant us the ability to see the face of Jesus wherever he appears among us, and help us to live in awareness this Advent season. We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.