Prayers of the Faithful for December 28 & 29, 2019


Let us pray now for ourselves, our own families, and families across the world.


For all Catholics, that God inspire them to act in their local communities to support and protect migrants and to advocate on their behalf, we pray:

For our families: that we honor those who gave us life and all those who cared for us, and for all families; we pray:

For those whose lives must be protected: that we honor the elderly, cherish the young and welcome new life to the world, we pray:

For families torn apart by poverty and war: that refugees find a home, that the hungry are fed, all young people educated, the unemployed given meaningful work, and that nations may be at peace, we pray:

For those of us gathered here today, may we recognize Christ in the stranger and welcome him within our midst, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Laura Krause. May they be blessed and healed in this coming new year, we pray:

For those who have died, and for all our beloved dead and the families that mourn their passing, we pray:


Good and gracious God, watch over and protect us and our homes. Strengthen the love which unites families in peace and joy. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.