Prayers of the Faithful for July 6 & 7, 2019
As people who are sent out into the harvest, we pray now for ourselves and for the whole world.
For the church: that we may all be worthy and willing disciples, we pray:
For peace throughout the world, and for all who work on behalf of peace, we pray:
For our United States: that God will guide us in achieving the ideals on which this nation was founded: respect for life, maintenance of liberty, and establishment of justice for all, we pray:
For those who carry the Gospel in the face of danger: for missionaries, chaplains and Christians living under persecution, we pray:
For the grace to embrace the cross: that we may accept the sufferings of body, mind and spirit that will transform us into new creations in Christ, we pray:
For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including, Randy Bedard, Paul Hufnagle, and Don Tuffley, and for all who are suffering in body, mind, and spirit, we pray:
For those who have died, may they share fully in the new life of Christ and live with God forever, we pray:
God who nurtures and protects us, we ask you to be with us as we practice discipleship in our lives. Give us the courage to spread Jesus’ word by our words and actions, even though we do not know how we will be received. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who sends us forth. Amen.