Prayers of the Faithful for March 30 & 31, 2019


Aware of God’s mercy and forgiveness, let us pray with confidence to our loving Father.


That we may, like the Prodigal Son, experience the limitless forgiveness of God; we pray:

That we, along with those preparing to receive the Easter sacraments, may open our hearts to God and acknowledge Christ as the source of reconciliation; we pray:

That those who are homeless, jobless, impoverished be welcomed by those around them, we pray:

That, filled with the Holy Spirit, we may never fail to be ambassadors for Christ; we pray:

That each of us be agents of reconciliation in our families, among our friends, and in our places of work, we pray:

That those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Sue McSherry, Cheri Ventrucci, Jim Fitzpatrick, and Ted Myslinski, Sr., be healed and comforted by God’s love and by the caring actions of their neighbors; we pray:

That those who have died, especially, John Gieske, the father of Gail Goplen, know the joy of the resurrection, we pray:


Merciful God, you forgive sinners who repent and welcome them back to your loving embrace. Hear these prayers that we might one day be with you forever at your everlasting feast. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.