Prayers of the Faithful for February 9 & 10, 2019


Let us pray now for our own needs and the needs of the whole world.


For the Church: that we may be attentive to God’s invitations and relying upon God’s grace to respond unselfishly and wholeheartedly we pray:

For those called to promote peace throughout the world: for political and military leaders; for diplomats and negotiators, we pray:

For those called to promote social and economic justice throughout the world; for all organizations and groups that protect civil and human rights, we pray,

For those called to serve God by caring for their families and friends, their neighborhoods and workplaces, their churches and schools, we pray:

For those who feel unworthy to be called or do not recognize that they are being called, we pray:

For the grace to listen: that we may follow Christ away from the noise and demands of daily life and enter into the silent depths of our hearts where God can speak to us, we pray:

For all who are ill, including, Tom Diger and Cheri Henderson, that God will lift their burden and fill their hearts with peace, we pray:

For all who have died, especially, Mary Meacham. May they share fully in the new life of Christ and live with God forever, we pray:


O God, you sent your son among us so that we might follow him in bringing others to salvation. Hear our prayer that we might be faithful in all we do and come one day to share the fullness of life with you. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.