Prayers of the Faithful for January 26 & 27, 2019


Let us pray that the glad tidings of God’s love and care for those in need be brought to fulfillment.


For the Church: that we may be instruments of God’s reign who free captives, unburden the oppressed and help others to experience a time of God’s favor physically, spiritually, emotionally and economically, we pray:

For the members of Congress and state legislatures: that God will give them insight and courage as they address the issues of violence, finances, and immigration, we pray:

For greater awareness: that we may recognize the gift of each day and find meaning, develop relationships and discover opportunities for growth daily, we pray:

For discernment: that leaders in the Christian community may recognize the work of God in each individual and call forth the gifts and talents that God has entrusted to each person, we pray:

For each of us: that we may hear the Word of God, allow our hearts to be moved by it, and respond to it with dedication, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers. May they be healed by God’s loving touch, including, John Ramberg, we pray:

For those who have died. May they find comfort in the arms of God, and for those who mourn the passing of loved ones, we pray:


O God, you sent your Son in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring us the glad tidings of salvation. Hear our prayers that we may come to the fullness of life Jesus proclaimed. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.