Prayers of the Faithful for October 20 & 21, 2018


As followers of the suffering servant, we pray humbly for ourselves, for one another, and for our brothers and sisters throughout the world.


For the Church, the Body of Christ called to be servant of all, we pray:

For world leaders, called to serve the common good of all, we pray:

For those who quietly serve others in their daily lives through their work, in their families, in their neighborhood, we pray:

For the Christian faithful and all people of goodwill, that we might find the compassion to walk in solidarity with immigrants and refugees, and the courage to advocate on their behalf, we pray:

For the grace to bear affliction: that God will strengthen us in the face of trial and hardship so that we may remain faithful disciples each day, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Gene Hoy, Diane Sparrow, Tom Diger, and Bob Zwaschka. May all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community, we pray:

For those who have died, and for those who mourn the death of a loved one. May they be comforted by God’s unending love, we pray:


Compassionate and merciful God, you have given us Jesus as the radiant sign of what it means to serve others. Help us to be your servant people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.