Prayers of the Faithful for October 13 & 14, 2018


Those who faithfully follow Jesus have been promised an inheritance of eternal life. We ask God for the grace to be faithful.


For healing of the Church: that God’s Spirit will comfort and renew all who have been wounded by sinful behavior or neglect and help all church leaders to take effective action to protect the vulnerable and powerless, we pray:

For the grace to live simply, to defer satisfaction, to value waiting, we pray:

For Wisdom: that we may learn to ponder the events of our lives and hold them in prayer while God works in our lives and transforms us, we pray:

For a greater reverence and appreciation of human life: that we may recognize God’s gift of life in each person, particularly in the very young and the elderly who cannot speak for themselves, we pray:

We pray with Rosalie Ilagan, Brayden Holm, Parker Schmitz, and Audrey and Mckenzie Pawlenty, and their families, as today, through Baptism, they begin their Christian journey of faith, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Lewis Barbe, Gene Hoy, and Diane Sparrow. May all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community, we pray:

For those who have died, especially, Antoine L’interieur , the brother of Lou Lintereur. May they experience the peace and joy of God’s kingdom, we pray:


God, through Jesus, our teacher, we learn wisdom. Grant that we have courage to follow your commands. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.