Prayers of the Faithful for August 18 & 19, 2018


We place our needs before God, mindful that God nourishes us and strengthens us with the living Bread come down from heaven.


For the Church: that we who eat the living bread and drink from the chalice of life may truly share in the fullness of life and be raised up on the last day, we pray:

For the end of sexual abuse within society and the Church, and for healing and justice for victims, we pray:

For unity among Christians: that all who bear the name Christian will work toward healing the wounds of the Body of Christ and sharing common worship, we pray:

For those who are hungry either physically or spiritually, may they be fed through our generosity and presence, we pray:

For all of us who are nourished by the Eucharist, may we come to a deeper appreciation for who the risen Christ is for us and who we are for him, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Randy Bedard. May God strengthen them, renew them, and fill them with healing, we pray:

For those who have died, may they share in the heavenly banquet and experience the peace and joy of God’s kingdom, we pray:


Wondrous God, you give us the gift of your Son’s Body and Blood: hear these prayers and bring us to the fullness of eternal Life, We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.