Prayers of the Faithful for December 23 & 24, 2017


O God of love, you looked with favor on your servant Mary. Look with favor on the prayers we now bring to you.


For all God’s people: may we be open to God’s calling, without knowing what the future may hold, we pray:

For peace and justice in an unsettled world, and for those called to the challenging task of decision making and leadership, we pray:

For those in need, may they be lifted up by the generosity this season of giving inspires, we pray:

For all who are awaiting the birth of a child or who are new parents: that they may recognize God’s presence in their child and nurture the gift of life entrusted to their care, we pray:

For reconciliation within families: that in our celebrations of God being with us, we may forgive past hurts and strive to renew relationships in our families, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Sarah Casper. May all who suffer be encouraged by the Lord’s coming, we pray:

For those who have died with faith in the Resurrection. Comfort those who find the Christmas holidays difficult because they have lost a loved-one during this season, we pray:


O God, whose mercy is without limit and kindness is endless, hear our prayers as we eagerly await your coming into our homes and hearts in the birth of your Son. We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.