Prayers of the Faithful for October 28 & 29, 2017
Presider: Confident of God’s abiding love for us, we now make our needs known so that we can love with all our hearts.
For the church and all Christians: that we may be faithful to the great commandments, we pray:
For patient peacemakers and negotiators, for compassionate leaders and honest lawmakers, we pray:
For the grace to love: that we may love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and love our neighbors as ourselves, we pray:
For an evangelizing spirit: that our faith may shine forth and be an invitation to others to come to know the God who made them and loves them, we pray:
For those in this community who most need our love; and for a renewed commitment to our parish ministries by giving of our time, talent, and treasure, we pray:
For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including: Marcia Anderson and Ray Hanson; may they find comfort in the healing touch of God and by the loving care of family and friends, we pray:
For all who have died, that God will fill them with life and give consolation and peace to those who grieve them, we pray:
Almighty God, you love us beyond compare and call us to love one another. Hear our prayers that one day we might live eternally in your love. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.