Prayers of the Faithful for March 18 & 19, 2017


Let us pray now for those in need of God’s generous love.


That all members of the Church may be a source of living water for all who thirst for meaning and purpose in their lives, we pray:

That all peoples of the world who thirst for salvation encounter the living God, we pray:

That all who face prejudice and discrimination seek God who will heal their wounds and help them to continue to share their gifts for the good of society, we pray:

That we find courage to recognize and admit our sinfulness; like the woman at the well, may we honestly face our life and ask for help in changing our direction, we pray:

That we may find ways to make room for God and spend time in prayer and reflection during these coming weeks, we pray:

That those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Florence Smid, Robert Jesso, Patricia Turner, may experience God’s healing touch, we pray:

That those who have died and those grieving the loss of a loved one be held in the loving arms of God, we pray:


God of life, we come to you as people seeking wholeness and fullness of life. We pray for ourselves and for those whose lives are fragile. Help us to not judge others and to be open to all you have to teach us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.