Prayers of the Faithful for February 4 & 5, 2017


Let us pray now that Christ’s light may shine through us for the whole world.


For the all baptized Christians: that we may live as salt and light for others, we pray:

For those who sit in the darkness of poverty, violence, war or injustice, we pray:

For those whose light has dimmed, who need support to live as Christ’s disciples, we pray,

For those held captive by the internal darkness of doubt, depression, lack of faith or self-worth, we pray:

For individuals and organizations whose work is to bring light to others or zest to their lives, we pray:

For the ministers of our Archdiocese and our parish: that they may truly be light for others, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Leo Malson. May they experience God’s healing touch, we pray:

For those who are surrounded by the darkness of grief; and for those who have died, especially, Julianna San Martin, the infant daughter of Jorge(Hor-hay) and Kavita San Martin; Bob McDonald the husband of Barbara McDonald; may they be held in the loving arms of God, we pray:


God who guides us, you call your people to show your endless love to others. Give us the courage to live as we are called and to reflect your light to those who sit in darkness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.