BeFriender Ministry – A Listening Presence

“The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing, and face with us the reality of our powerlessness: that is the friend who cares.” Henri Nouwen

BeFriender Ministry is a lay pastoral care ministry. BeFriender Ministry is a confidential, one-to-one caring ministry through which a layperson provides caring support to someone who is expecting an unexpected or ongoing life challenge.

A BeFriender Minister is a caring person who listens and offers encouragement and support. They have a deep personal commitment to provide confidential care, and they receive training, continuing education, and supervision.

A BeFriender Minister is not a counselor or therapist, casual visitor, or problem solver. BeFrienders value God’s presence in all relationships. They are present to care, not cure, and strive to be open and non-judgmental while they actively listen to your story.


If you are experiencing a challenging time, or are in a transitional situation, BeFriender ministers are here to accompany you and listen with compassion and without judgment.

Contact Christine Sorensen, Pastoral Minister, at (952) 698-1722, to be connected with a BeFriender Minister or to learn more.

Visit the BeFrienders website at for additional information.