Risen Savior Anti-Human Trafficking Committee

Welcome to the Anti-Human Trafficking Committee Page! We thank you for taking the time to learn how you can help break the chains that enslave so many of God's children.

Committee Vision & Purpose Statement

We are a group of parishioners dedicated to the call of acknowledging and addressing the issue of human trafficking in our society by:

  • Increasing the awareness of the prevalence of human trafficking in our communities and our society for ourselves and our fellow parishioners.
  • Seeking and implementing sources of education for ourselves and our fellow parishioners regarding the many facets of human trafficking.
  • Supporting agencies actively working for the cause of human trafficking through donation, prayer, and presence.

The Committee typically meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 1-3pm in the Dorothy Day room. We always welcome new members! Fill out the form at the bottom of this page for information.


Thank You!

The Anti-Human Trafficking Committee would like to thank the Risen Savior parishioners for their generous support and contributions to assist the women and children served by our partner agencies. 100 gift boxes were filled with donated items and will be distributed to the young women and girls ages 10-18 at Brittany's Place. Monetary donations and gift cards totaling $2,202 were also contributed and will assist both Brittany's Place and Breaking Free.


As we start the new fiscal year, our name has been changed/clarified to be the Anti-Human Trafficking Committee. We will also be assisting two additional non-profit agencies: ACT (Anti-Child Trafficking) United, an agency that focuses on awareness, prayer and prevention to end the exploitation and trafficking of children and teens and House of Hope, a Christ-centered refuge for women to heal from the past and rebuild life in the present.

We could not do this ministry without your continued support and we are very grateful! Thank you.


For more information on the Human Trafficking Committee and their activities, contact: Ben Caduff at [email protected], (952) 698-1724.

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We are using the platform Flocknote to create an email newsletter that will go out once/month with updates and opportunities to get involved in Social Justice and Charity. There will be some occasions when you may receive a "special issue" if there is an important topic or event that is time-sensitive.