Prayers of the Faithful – July 20 & 21, 2024

Prayers of the Faithful – July 20 & 21, 2024


As we gather together in faith, let us turn to our loving God with our needs and the needs of the world, confident that He hears us and answers our prayers..


  • For the Church: that it may be a beacon of hope and a source of strength for all who seek the Lord, guiding us in the ways of compassion and justice. We pray to the Lord:
  • For all leaders in government and public service: that they may govern with wisdom and integrity, working to promote peace, justice, and the common good. We pray to the Lord:
  • For those overwhelmed by activity: that God will help them to slow down and be aware of the gifts and blessings that are in their life each day. We pray to the Lord:
  • For unity: that through Christ’s victory over death, the divisions in the human family may be dissolved and the wounds of racism and prejudice be healed. We pray to the Lord.:
  • For the sick and suffering in our community, including: Joanne Mosier, and Florence Blahnik, For all who suffer, we pray to the Lord:
  • For those who have died, that God may welcome them to new eternal life and ease the loss of those who grieve their passing, we pray to the Lord: 


Heavenly Father, we thank You for hearing our prayers. Help us to trust in Your loving care and to live out our faith with courage and generosity. We ask this through Christ our Lord.  AMEN