Prayers of the Faithful – January 25 & 26, 2025
Prayers of the Faithful – January 25 & 26, 2025
Confident in the power of God’s Word to guide and transform us, let us bring our prayers and petitions before the Lord..
- For the Church, that through the proclamation of God’s Word, she may inspire all people to live as disciples of Christ, we pray to the Lord:
- For world leaders, that they may govern with wisdom and justice, fostering unity and peace among nations, we pray to the Lord:
- For those who struggle to hear God’s voice amid life’s challenges, that they may be comforted and guided by the Word of God, we pray to the Lord:
- For those who proclaim the scriptures during Mass, that they may faithfully bring God’s message to the hearts of the faithful, we pray to the Lord:
- For our community, that we may live out the teachings of scripture with compassion and commitment to one another, we pray to the Lord:
- For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Fred Crawford, Joseph Andrezak (an-DRAY-zak), and Al Danielski, that all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community, we pray to the Lord:
- Today we pray for our Beloved Dead, including Patty Pink, and Diane Harrison. We also pray for those who have died more recently, especially Arlene Luzum, that they may rejoice forever in the presence of the Lord, we pray to the Lord:
O God, you sent your Son in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring us the glad tidings of salvation. Hear our prayers that we may come to the fullness of life Jesus proclaimed. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.