Prayers of the Faithful – February 22 and 23, 2025

Prayers of the Faithful – February 22 and 23, 2025


With trust in God’s boundless mercy and love, let us bring our prayers before Him.


  • For the Church, that we may be a witness of Christ’s radical love, showing mercy and forgiveness to all, even our enemies. We pray to the Lord:
  • For Pope Francis, that God may grant him strength and healing as he recovers from pneumonia, and continue to guide him in his leadership of the Church.     We pray to the Lord:
  • For our leaders, that they may govern with wisdom, justice, and selfless compassion, working to bring peace and reconciliation to our divided nation.    We pray to the Lord:
  • For those who suffer from hatred, violence, or oppression, that they may find healing, justice, and the strength to forgive. We pray to the Lord:
  • For our parish community, that we may follow Jesus’ call to generosity and selfless love, seeking to serve rather than be served. We pray to the Lord:
  • For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Joseph Andreszcuk, and Robert Sargent, that all who suffer be healed by God’s loving touch and by the prayers of this community. We pray to the Lord:
  • Today we pray for our Beloved Dead, including Patricia McInnis, Robert McInnis, Michael McShane, Madelyn Kozitza, and Delores Froelich. We also pray for those who have died more recently, especially Therese Marie Rinaldi; that they may rejoice forever in the presence of the Lord. We pray to the Lord:


Merciful and loving God, you call us to love as you love, to forgive as you forgive, and to give as you give. Hear our prayers and give us the grace to live as your disciples. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.