Prayers of the Faithful for September 24 & 25, 2022

Prayers of the Faithful for September 24 & 25, 2022


With humility and a Christ-like attitude, let us ask God for the grace we need to champion those who have nothing.


  • For the Church, that all her members may bear witness to the saving power of God, we pray to the Lord:
  • September 25 marks the World Day for Migrants and Refugees; may God inspire us all to act to protect those who are most vulnerable and marginalized, we pray to the Lord:
  • For the unnoticed and the suffering: that we may see and hear those who are otherwise invisible and respond to their need, we pray:
  • For those impacted by the numerous recent natural disasters, including: the typhoon in western Alaska, those in the path of Hurricane Fiona, as well as those impacted by the earthquakes in Taiwan and Mexico; that God will bless and strengthen those involved in the rescue and aid efforts. We pray to the Lord.
  • For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including, Virginia Van PeltThomas Edwards and Chad Lyon. May they find comfort in God’s love and from the care of their family and friends, we pray:
  • Today we remember our beloved dead including Lee Rossman, Barbara Henkenmeyer, and Ben Lefebvre as well as those who have died more recently; may they rejoice forever in God’s eternal home, we pray:


Merciful God, we pray for the compassion, courage and generosity to see and respond to those who need our help. Do not allow us to be callous or complacent, for we long to be your righteous people. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.