Prayers of the Faithful – July 30 & 31, 2022

Prayers of the Faithful – July 30 & 31, 2022


Turning our hearts to the divine will is what matters most to God. And so we pray:


  • For all members of the church, may they witness to the world what it means to seek what matters most to God, we pray to the Lord…
  • For a spirit of gratitude: that we may appreciate all the gifts that God has given us and become rich through words of faith, attitudes of hope, and deeds of love, we pray to the Lord…
  • For freedom from anxiety: that we may never be seduced by the illusions of wealth, fame, power, or control, nor allow these to dominate our lives, we pray to the Lord…
  • For all those who are without safe, affordable housing, that they may receive the support they need; and for those who have donated or will volunteer this week with Habitat for Humanity Faith Builds, that they may persevere in this expression of love and care for neighbor; we pray to the Lord…
  • For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including, Allison Maxa, and for all who are suffering in body, mind, and spirit, we pray:
  • For those who have died with faith in the resurrection; especially Mark Harstad, that God will welcome the souls of the deceased and bless and comfort the grieving. We pray to the Lord…


Loving God, life is your most precious gift and in your Life is our lasting security. Grant these our prayers that one day we might all enjoy the inheritance of everlasting Life. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.