Prayers of the Faithful May 28 & 29, 2022

Prayers of the Faithful May 28 & 29, 2022


As we reflect on our responsibility to assume the work of the disciples, we pray for ourselves, for our neighbors and for the whole world.


  • For the Church: that we may continue the mission of Jesus and bring forth the reign of God through our worship, our work, and our relationships each day, we pray:
  • For the Risen Savior faith community: that we may faithfully encounter Christ in our Eucharistic assembly, in our families and communities, and in those who request our assistance, we pray:
  • For all who have died in the service of our nation: that God’s glory will shine upon them and that they may share in the peace of the heavenly kingdom, we pray:
  • For those impacted by the school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde (oo-WALL-deh), Texas; that God will welcome the souls of those who were killed, comfort the grieving, and guide us all to a more productive dialogue to address the increasing levels of gun violence in our country, we pray:
  • For those who are experiencing endings and farewells from schools and colleges, we pray:
  • For all who are ill, may they be comforted by our God who heals us in body, mind, and spirit, including: Ken Weldon.
  • May all who suffer be comforted by our love and concern and by God’s healing touch, we pray:
  • For eternal life for those who have died, especially; Mary Kent, and for all those grieving the loss of someone they love: may they find comfort in the promise of the resurrection … we pray:


Gracious God, you sent your Son among us to show us the way to you. Grant us all that we need to continue to work in his name, so that all creatures may be one in you. We ask this in Jesus’ name, who lives with you forever and ever. Amen.