Prayers of the Faithful
Presider: As we reflect on our responsibility to assume the work of the disciples, we pray for ourselves, for our neighbors and for the whole world. Lector: Presider: Gracious God, you sent your Son among us to show us the…
Read MorePresider: Our Lord Jesus promised us that God would send us the Holy Spirit to guide us and to speak for us as we pray for the needs of the world. Lector: Presider: Good and gracious God, your Holy Spirit…
Read MorePresider: We pray now that we always follow Jesus who is the way to the Father and eternal life. Lector: Presider: God of salvation, through your son Jesus we know the way to you. Hear our prayers that one day…
Read MorePresider: Listening to Jesus’ voice and with hearts filled with confidence, we now make our needs known to our loving God. Lector: Presider: Loving and caring God, you sent your only Son to be our Good Shepherd. Hear our prayers…
Read MorePresider: Let us pray for the world that needs the presence of the Risen Christ. Lector: Presider: God of abundance: We are grateful for this Eucharistic feast in which Jesus is made known to us. Open our hearts to Christ’s…
Read MorePresider: We have not seen but still believe. With confident faith, we bring our concerns before God. Lector: Presider: Generous God, plant your precious gift of faith ever deeper in our hearts. All that we ask, we ask in the…
Read MorePresider: On this most holy day, we are made a new creation in the image of the Risen Christ. Let us pray that the joy and hope of Easter may be shared by all the earth. Lector: Presider: Glorious God,…
Read MorePresider: My brothers and sisters in Christ, as we enter this Holy Week, let us pray for our world and ourselves, asking God for what we need to make a holy difference. Lector:
Read MorePresider: Let us pray now for ourselves and for all who need to be seen with God’s eyes. Lector: Presider: Merciful God, you desire to heal our inability to see with eyes of faith. Hear our prayers and bring us…
Read MorePresider: We now raise our prayers to God, who offers us resurrection and life. Reader: Presider: God of life, hear our prayers that one day we might be raised to the fullness of life with you. We ask this through…
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