Faith Formation

Faith formation is a lifelong process of forming and growing in faith. It is an active engagement through prayer, participation in the sacraments, the liturgy, parish life, social commitments, works of charity, and the promotion of human values.

As part of "works of charity," Risen Savior Faith Formation is gearing up again for our Lenten service project to support our local food shelf 360 Communities. We will partnering with the Knights of Columbus and their monthly Food on the First Collection. We hope you’ll join the effort!

Beginning February 8/9, we will be collecting donated non-perishable foods at all Masses such as canned soups, vegetables, and fruits. To encourage fun and collect “The Most Needed Items” we will have a weekly collection focus. We also will collect any food or monetary donations anytime during the drive. Donating by check? Please make it payable to Risen Savior.

Click here to view or download the detailed Lenten Food Drive flyer.

Faith Formation Registration is CLOSED. Families who have not registered their children yet, must contact Rae Ann Konkol at [email protected] or call (952) 698-1727 to register late. A $40 late fee per household will be applied.

Click here to download the program flyer with all program details.

Click here to download the Faith Formation Registration form for in-person registration.

Preschool and Elementary

Sunday School

Sunday School is generally held three Sundays a month during the 9 AM mass. October through April. All children who will be three years old by September 1, 2024 through Kindergarten may register.

Click here for the Sunday School class schedule.

Jessica Sosa, Pre-K Coordinator – (952) 679-1523, [email protected]

Liturgy of the Word for Children

During the 9 AM Mass children in grades 1-3 are invited to leave during the scripture readings for appropriate lessons and activities relating to that Sunday’s Gospel story. No registration required. 

Jessica Sosa, Coordinator - (952) 679-1523, [email protected]


G.I.F.T. and Sacramental Preparation

Children in Grades 1-4, along with their parents, learn together in our GIFT Family Program. In grade 2 or later, children can prepare for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (Communion). 

Click here for the G.I.F.T. class schedule.

Click here for the G.I.F.T. plus Sacraments schedule.

Jessica Sosa, G.I.F.T. Coordinator – (952) 679-1523, [email protected]

Vacation Bible School

In the summer, we offer Vacation Bible School over 4 days in the mornings. Those in preschool through grade 5 are welcome to register. 

Information on VBS 2025 will be available in Spring 2025. Please check back then!

Jessica Sosa, VBS Coordinator – (952) 679-1523, [email protected]

Middle School Grades 5-8

Youth in grades 5-8 meet in classes led by volunteer catechists two Wednesdays a month. 5th grade focuses on the Bible. How to use the Bible, look up passages and how it is put together. 6th grade focuses on the person of Jesus Christ; 7th grade focuses on the Liturgy and the Seven Sacraments; 8th grade focuses on Christian Morality and Prayer. Youth in grades 6-8 will also meet in a large group setting four times throughout the year with our Youth Ministers to spend time in worship, learning, service, and fun.

Click here for this year's class schedule.

Rae Ann Konkol, Grades 5-8 Director – (952) 698-1727, [email protected]

Group of friends holding hands smiling

High School Grades 9-12

Our High school program focuses on preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This preparation involves a two-year process that can begin as early as the 9th grade. Confirmation preparation uses the Ascension Chosen curriculum. Chosen takes young people on a journey through the entire Catholic faith in all its richness and vitality. Teens will be captivated by the story, from Creation all the way through salvation history. They will come to see how the sacraments, prayer, and discipleship are the keys to a happy life. The goal of this 24-lesson program is nothing short of winning over the hearts of teens and making them disciples of Christ.


Students in year 1 Confirmation cover the first 12 lessons along with participating in 10 service hours to the community, attending our parish youth group, Sanctuary, at least 5 times, and attend a one-day retreat held at Risen Savior, as well as hear guest speakers share about our faith. This program can be started in grades 9-11.


Students in Year 2 Confirmation cover the last 12 lessons of the Chosen curriculum along with participating in 20 hours of community service, attending our parish youth group, Sanctuary, at least 5 times, and attend a weekend retreat held at Camp Courage. They also hear guest speakers share about our faith. This program can be started in grades 10-12 after the completion of Year 1 Confirmation.

Click here for this year's class schedule.

Rae Ann Konkol, Confirmation Director – (952) 698-1727, [email protected]

Adult Faith Formation

Risen Savior seeks to be a welcoming, nourishing, and engaging environment for all people to grow in their faith. Adult Faith Formation provides opportunities for adults to continue their journey with God through prayer, study, and action by integrating the wisdom of their lived experiences with their identities as disciples of Christ.

Faith Formation Staff

Rae Ann Konkol – Director of Family and Youth Formation

(952) 698-1727, [email protected]

Jessica Sosa – Preschool & Elementary Faith Formation

(952) 679-1523, [email protected]

Nalleli Renteria - Latino Faith Formation and Youth (952) 698-1713, [email protected]

Ben Caduff – Adult Faith Formation

(952) 698-1724, [email protected]