Our Many Marys

Roman Catholics have a deep history of honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary during the month of May. This devotion, which developed over the course of centuries in the West, spread and connected to Marian devotions indigenous to the Christian East, leading Catholics all over the world to make May a special time to praise God's Immaculate Mother.
The tradition dedicating May to Mary has deep historical roots:
- Ancient times: The Greeks and Romans celebrated spring festivals to honor deities of fertility and beauty. In Ancient Rome, May was dedicated to Flora, the goddess of blooms, or blossoms. They celebrated ludi florals, or floral games at the end of April and asked the intercession of Flora for all that blooms.
- Medieval times: Similar customs abounded, all centering around the practice of expelling winter, as May 1 was considered the start of new growth.During this period, the tradition to Tricesimum, or "Thirty-Day Devotion to Mary," came into being. Also called, "Lady Month," the event was held from August 15-September 14 and is still observed in some areas.
- Baroque times: The idea of a month specifically dedicated to Mary began. The idea of a month dedicated specifically to Mary can be traced back to baroque times. Although it wasn't always held during May, Mary Month included thirty daily spiritual exercises honoring Mary. It was in this era that Mary's Month and May were combined, making May the Month of Mary with special devotions organized on each day throughout the month.
- 19th century: The custom of May as month of Mary became widespread.
The ways Mary is honored in May is as varied as the people who honor her.
It's common for parishes to have daily recitation of the Rosary during May, and many erect a special May altar with a statue or picture of Mary as a reminder of Mary's month. Additionally, it's a long-standing tradition to crown the statue of Mary during May - a custom known as "May Crowning." Often, the crown is made of beautiful blossoms representing Mary's beauty and virtue. It's also a reminder to the faithful to strive to imitate our Blessed Mother's virtue in our own lives. May Crowning, in some areas, is a huge celebration and is usually done outside of Mass, although Mass may be celebrated before or after the actual crowning.
But May altars and crownings aren't just "church" things. We can and should be doing the same in our homes. When we echo the customs and traditions of the Church in our homes, our domestic churches, we participate more fully in the life of the Church.
Mary is Mother, everyone's mother, and she cares for all of us day in and day out without fail, interceding for us in even the tiniest matters.
Here at Risen Savior, let's set aside the entire month of May 2025 to celebrate and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.
At the beginning of May, parishioners will have the opportunity to bring in their pictures and/or statues of Mary to be displayed in the back of the Sanctuary around the Our Lady of Guadalupe picture.
A highlight will be our Blessed Virgin Mary Celebration on Saturday, May 17, 2025.
The Celebration will begin with a bilingual Mass at 5:00 p.m., followed by a simple meal. After the meal, there will be a presentation on the history of the "Mary Month" and on how different cultures celebrate the Blessed Virgin.
Personal testimonies from parishioners on their experience honoring the Blessed Virgin will also be part of the celebration.
Check back soon for more updates.
Contact: Marianne Brass, [email protected], (952) 698-1714