Pastoral Care
Nourished by the Eucharist, we pastoral ministers are called to love and serve by visiting the sick, celebrating the lives of the dead, and comforting the afflicted through listening and prayer. This is the mission of the Pastoral Care Commission.
We as a Pastoral Team are here to meet your pastoral care needs. Please feel free to contact any of us at (952) 431-5222 regarding a pastoral care need or concern.
The Pastoral Team consists of: Chris Sorensen, Pastoral Minister, (952) 698-1722, [email protected]
If you or someone you love is living with mental health issues, the workshops offered by the National Alliance on Mental Illness may be helpful.
BeFriender Ministry – A Listening Presence
“The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing, and face with us the reality of our powerlessness: that is the friend who cares.” Henri Nouwen
BeFriender Ministry is a lay pastoral care ministry. BeFriender Ministry is a confidential, one-to-one caring ministry through which a layperson provides caring support to someone who is expecting an unexpected or ongoing life challenge.
A BeFriender Minister is a caring person who listens and offers encouragement and support. They have a deep personal commitment to provide confidential care, and they receive training, continuing education, and supervision.
A BeFriender Minister is not a counselor or therapist, casual visitor, or problem solver. BeFrienders value God’s presence in all relationships. They are present to care, not cure, and strive to be open and non-judgmental while they actively listen to your story.
If you are experiencing a challenging time, or are in a transitional situation, BeFriender ministers are here to accompany you and listen with compassion and without judgment.
Contact Christine Sorensen, Pastoral Minister, at (952) 698-1722, to be connected with a BeFriender Minister or to learn more.
Visit the BeFrienders website at for additional information.

Funeral Ministry
“Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
When a loved one dies, our lives can feel turned upside down and we need to make many decisions in a short amount of time. Our Pastoral Care staff is here to provide emotional support and assist with planning the funeral liturgy. We continue to provide support and resources in the days and months following your loss.
If you experience the loss of a loved one, please contact our parish office at (952) 431-5222.
To receive information about funeral pre-planning, please contact the Pastoral Minister, Christine Sorensen (952) 698-1722. You also may wish to download our Funeral Planning Booklet.
Risen Savior Funeral Luncheon Teams continue to provide a caring presence by providing a meal and hospitality in our church hall following the funeral liturgy. The cost of the luncheon is $7.00 per person.
After the funeral, a member of our community reaches out to the families of the deceased to offer support and listening. Cards are sent throughout the first year following the death.
Growing Through Loss is an interdenominational coalition of south suburban churches that offers free support for adults experiencing loss, grief, transition, or relationship and health challenges. A Fall and Spring series are offered every year. The Church of the Risen Savior is an active member of this coalition. Evening meetings include speakers and facilitated, small group discussions.
Contact: Chris Sorensen (952) 698-1722, [email protected]
Communion To People Unable To Come To Mass
Many of our Risen Savior parishioners because of health or age are no longer able to come to Mass. If you or a member of your family is unable to attend Mass but would like to receive communion, please contact us.
We rely on the generous and compassionate spirit of our parish members to visit and bring communion to members of our extended community. If you would like to serve as a communion minister to the homebound or those living at a care facility, please contact us.
To receive communion at home or to volunteer as communion minister to the homebound please contact our Pastoral Minister, Christine Sorensen at (952) 698-1722, [email protected].
“Let us live the Eucharist with the spirit of faith, of prayer, of forgiveness, of repentance, of communal joy, of concern for the needy and for the needs of so many brothers and sisters.” Pope Francis

Prayer Network
A significant number of Risen Savior’s parishioners have volunteered for our email prayer network. These parishioners receive emails with specific requests for prayer. This prayer network provides a confidential way to have your special needs addressed in prayer, only first names are used, while, at the same time, allowing the volunteers the opportunity to support people in need with their prayers.
If you are interested in joining the prayer network, please contact Christine Sorensen at (952) 698 1722 or email [email protected].
Prayer Requests
If you or a loved one are in need of prayers, we’re here for you. Please fill out the form below to submit prayer requests for general intentions, deceased loved ones, or for those who are ill. If you are going through a difficult time and would like to speak with a member of the clergy, please contact us. We would be honored to meet with you and assist you however we can.
Prayer Requests
"*" indicates required fields
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is comprised of a group of caring knitters who prayerfully create shawls. The prayer shawl is a loving representation of God’s presence. The quiet prayers and the busy needles of this group create prayer shawls that bring physical warmth and spiritual comfort.
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets here at the Church the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m.
The Peacemaker Ministry is a group of quilters who create quilts to be given to people in times of illness, loss, or transition. These beautiful quilts prayerfully created are designed to be a tangible sign of God’s love and compassion. Our Peacemakers also craft quilt squares that are given to a child at the time of their Baptism.
Peacemakers Ministry meets here at the Church the first Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m.
Contact: Chris Sorensen (952) 698-1722, [email protected]

Care Center Ministry
“All of you have unity of spirit, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” Peter 3:8
Risen Savior parishioners currently preside at Word and Communion services at four care and senior living facilities. We currently have Word and Communion services for residents of Augustana Care Center, the Villa, Ecumen Seasons, and Havenwood.
Care Center service schedules are:
- Augustana Care Center, Apple Valley: every Thursday at 10:30 a.m.
- The Villa, Apple Valley: every Thursday at 3:30 p.m.
- Ecumen Seasons, Apple Valley: on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
- Havenwood, Burnsville: on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m.
Contact: Chris Sorensen (952) 698-1722, [email protected]