Prayers of the Faithful: April 17, 2022 – EASTER SUNDAY

Prayers of the Faithful: April 17, 2022


On this most holy day, we are made a new creation in the image of the Risen Christ. Let us pray that the joy and hope of Easter may be shared by all the earth. Please respond; “Risen Savior, Hear our Prayer.”


  • For the Church: that renewed through word and sacrament, we may radiate the light of Christ, be strong in faith, confident in hope, and abounding with love for God and neighbor, we pray:
  • For all the newly baptized: that they may faithfully follow Jesus, grow in their love for God, and keep the light of Christ burning brightly in their lives, we pray:
  • For all who are away from home this Easter, particularly members of the military and relief workers: that God will protect from harm, guide their service, and bring them home safely, we pray:
  • For greater respect and appreciation of human life: that we may recognize God’s gift of life in everyone and strive to honor and support that life in each person that we meet, we pray:
  • For greater stewardship of God’s creation: that we may work to use earth’s resources prudently and preserve them for the good of future generations, we pray:
  • For nations in turmoil: that God will break the cycles of violence and discord, end acts of revenge, protect the innocent, and raise leaders who will establish peace and justice in areas of conflict, we pray
  • That those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, find healing, including: Kayo Silvernale, Rose Call and Elle Muchow, grand daughter of Darlene and David Ivy, we pray:
  • That all who mourn the death of a loved one find comfort in the joy of Jesus’ resurrection, especially; we pray:


Glorious God, you raised up your Son from the dead. Raise us up and hear our prayer that we may praise your glory today and always. We pray though Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.