Prayers of the Faithful – April 6 & 7, 2024

Prayers of the Faithful – April 6 & 7, 2024


We have not seen but still believe. With confident faith, we bring our concerns before God.


  • For the Church: That it may continue to proclaim the message of Christ’s resurrection with boldness and joy, inviting all people to encounter the mercy and love of God. We pray to the Lord:
  • For world leaders: That the leaders of nations may work tirelessly for peace and justice, guided by the example of Christ’s mercy and compassion, and seek diplomatic solutions to conflicts around the world. We pray to the Lord:
  • For those who doubt: That, like Thomas, those who struggle with doubt may encounter the risen Christ in their lives and experience His transforming love and mercy. We pray to the Lord:
  • For families: May families be strengthened in love and unity, and may they reflect the mercy and forgiveness of Christ in their relationships with one another. We pray to the Lord:
  • For all gathered here: May we be renewed in faith and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, that we may bear witness to the mercy of God in our words and deeds. We pray to the Lord:
  • For the sick and suffering in our community, including: Fr. Steve Adrian, and Patrick Klemisch.  For all who suffer, We pray to the Lord:
  • For those who have died, especially Sulikey Sanchez, Carol Sterner, John Brezinka, and Joann Mulcare. May they find comfort in God’s love, We pray to the Lord:


Generous God, plant your precious gift of faith ever deeper in our hearts. All that we ask, we ask in the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord.  AMEN