Prayers of the Faithful December 11 & 12, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful December 11 & 12, 2021


As we rejoice in the coming of our Savior, we dare to present our needs and those of the world.


  • For the Church: that we may experience joy through recognizing God with us each day and be instruments in helping others become aware of God’s work in their lives. We pray:
  • For a deepening of hope: that we may surrender our anxieties to God and trust in God’s providence for all our needs and challenges, we pray:
  • For a joyful, openness of heart: that we, like the crowds, may ask “What should we do?” and listen for God’s life-giving invitations, we pray:
  • For the awareness and grace to accompany one another: that God will free us from judging others and help us to see the common threads that bind us all, we pray:
  • For all those impacted by the line of storms that moved across our country Friday into Saturday, especially the victims of the tornadoes in Kentucky; that God will help speed the rescue and relief efforts, welcome the souls of those killed, and comfort those mourning the loss of loved ones.  we pray:
  • For the success of the Giving Tree project that is concluding this week; that God will inspire our generosity and continue to bless those in need, we pray:
  • For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including, Lou Linteurer, and Tom Diger, May all who suffer be encouraged by the Lord’s coming…we pray
  • For those who have died, especially Leslie Wachendorf, husband of Sonia Wachendorf, and for those grieving the passing of a loved one, we pray:


Holy God, we ask that you remain close to us now as we await the coming of your Son; give us your peace and guard us with love. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.