Prayers of the Faithful – February 17 & 18, 2024

Prayers of the Faithful – February 17 & 18, 2024


On our journey during Lent let us be aware of our needs and the needs of the world. Let us pray for ourselves and for each other.


  • For the Church: that the Spirit may lead us during this Lenten season to a fuller living of the Gospel, steadfast faithfulness to our baptismal commitment, and generous service to those in need, we pray:
  • For grace to resist temptation: that God will help us recognize the hollowness of the fruits of temptation and help us to live faithfully as the daughters and sons whom God has made us to be, we pray:   
  • For all who are facing “wild beasts” such as selfishness, bullying, addictions, and all actions which destroy life; that they may know God’s presence and strength, we pray:   
  • For true repentance: that we will allow God’s grace to turn our hearts toward God and enable us to put on the mind of Christ in making all our decisions, we pray:   
  • For a renewal of prayer: that God will guide us to quiet places where we can listen to God’s words and respond with sincerity, we pray:  
  • For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including: Cathy Pike, Arlene Bruggeman, and Rolando Domingo; that they may they find comfort in the healing touch of God and in the loving care of family and friends, we pray:
  • For those who have died, including John Keenan.  That mercy and grace surround them, bringing solace to their spirits and a comforting light to guide them home, we pray:


Faithful God, you never abandon those who need you. Help us to recognize your love in our daily lives and follow your holy path. We pray through Jesus Christ, our Lord.