Prayers of the Faithful for April 10 & 11, 2021

Prayers of the Faithful for April 10 & 11, 2021


We have not seen but still believe. With confident faith, we bring our concerns before God.


  • For the Church: that through the gift of the Spirit, we recognize God’s presence with us and profess with Thomas, “My Lord and My God”, we pray:
  • For all the newly baptized: that their faith may continue to grow and that they may generously offer loving service to those in need, we pray:
  • For the gift of peace: that Christ’s gift may abide with us and sustain us through all the challenges of life, we pray:
  • For all who are questioning their faith or God presence in their lives: that the Spirit will guide them to new insights and help them recognize God’s presence through the witness of Christian’s love and service, we pray:
  • For an end to violence: that Christ’s victory over death will turn hearts from violence and revenge and help us to respect the value and dignity of each human life, we pray:
  • For healing: that the Spirit will renew the gift of life in all who are sick,, including, Dave Willette we pray:
  • That all who mourn the death of a loved one find comfort in the joy of Jesus’ resurrection, especially Gerald Anderson, we pray:


Generous God, plant your precious gift of faith ever deeper in our hearts. All that we ask, we ask in the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord.