Prayers of the Faithful for April 16, 2017
On this most holy day, we are made a new creation in the image of the Risen Christ. Let us pray that the joy and hope of Easter may be shared by all the earth.
That the church proclaim the good news of the resurrection throughout all lands, we pray:
That world leaders tirelessly work for peace and justice to help bring an end to terror and violence in the world, we pray:
That we work to protect all life, from beginning to end, we pray:
That the newly baptized and those newly received into the Church continue their lifelong journey into the paschal mystery, we pray:
That the living body of Christ gathered here nourish the spirits of those who have received the Easter sacraments, we pray:
That those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, find healing, including: Kent Klayum, Jessie LaSalle, Jeanne Perner, we pray:
That all who mourn the death of a loved one find comfort in the joy of Jesus’ resurrection, especially, Ruth Huss the mother in law of Teresa Ebert and grandmother of Brian Huss,
we pray:
Glorious God, you raised up your Son from the dead. Raise us up and hear our prayer that we may praise your glory today and always though Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.