Prayers of the Faithful for August 10 & 11, 2019


We are called to be vigilant and faithful servants. And so we pray:


For the Church, that all members be vigilant in doing God’s will and always remain faithful followers of Jesus, we pray:

For national and local leaders, may God’s wisdom inspire and guide them as they seek ways to confront, and eliminate, violence in our communities, and to ensure the safety of all people, we pray:

For patience: that we may have the grace to wait upon God, even when answers do not seem clear and trust in God’s love and providence, we pray:

For deeper discipleship: that we may celebrate each day as gift from God and trust God’s Spirit to guide our way, we pray:

For all who have lost faith: that the Spirit of God will renew their hearts and open before them a new springtime of faith and hope so that they come to a new relationship with the living God, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including Gerry Leonard. May they find comfort in God’s love and from the care of their family and friends, we pray:

We remember those who have died with faith in the resurrection, and for those who are struggling with grief for the passing of a loved-one, we pray:


God who fulfills all promises; you call us into unknown territory and urge us to be open to unseen possibilities. Keep us alert when the duties of life distract us and when our focus on the coming of your kingdom wanes. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.