Prayers of the Faithful for August 4 & 5, 2018


God gives the gift of Jesus to be the Bread of Life, nourishing and sustaining us. And so we pray:


That all members of the church come to a deeper understanding of Jesus’ gift of himself to us as the Bread of Life, we pray:

That all people of the world be nourished as they seek fuller life, we pray:

That those who lack the basic necessities of life receive from those who have been given the Bread of Life, we pray:

That parishioners of Risen Savior will seek to help those who are hungry through outreach programs such as Loaves and Fishes, Food on the First, and Feed My Sheep, we pray:

That all of us here seek Jesus with all our hearts and make known to others his gift of presence and nourishment, we pray:

That those who are ill and have asked for our prayers, including Tony Donofrio, Kristina Holgado, find comfort and healing, through God’s love, we pray:

That those who have died, especially, Norynne Schiminsky, experience the peace and joy of God’s kingdom, we pray:


God of blessings, you send bread from heaven so that we might have eternal life: give us this bread always. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.