Prayers of the Faithful for December 17 & 18, 2022

Prayers of the Faithful for December 17 & 18, 2022


Let us present our needs to the God who dwells among us.


  • For the Church: that we, like Joseph, may wholeheartedly live our faith traditions and yet remain open to the mystery of God’s unconventional work in our lives and the world around us, we pray:
  • For openness of heart: that, like Mary and Joseph, we may enter into the mystery of God’s loving actions and co-operative with the work of God even when we don’t understand how to proceed, we pray:
  • For freedom from judging others: that like Joseph, we may hold our judgments so that the work of God may unfold in the hearts and lives of those who are dear to us, we pray:
  • For all who are serving in the military, as relief workers, or missionaries, or who must serve a greater good away from home this Christmas season and for their families: that God will guide their efforts, protect them from all danger, and bring them home safely, we pray:
  • For all who will be traveling this week: that their journeys may be safe and their visits with friends and loved ones be renewing and refreshing, we pray:
  • For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers including Don Kuhl.  May they find comfort in God’s love and from the care of their family and friends, we pray:
  • For those who have died, especially Jim Dwyer; may all who have died be forever held in the loving arms of God, we pray:


Ever present God, show us that you are always in our midst, especially when we are weary and cannot find you. Hear our prayers and grant them through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.