Prayers of the Faithful for February 2 & 3, 2019


In faith, hope and love we pray for the needs of the whole world.


For the church: that it may encourage, as well as listen to, those called to speak the truth, we pray:

For those whose work is to speak the truth in business, in government, in the military, in international relations, we pray:

For those who struggle in their daily living: that the poor and the suffering may have their burdens lifted by those who have heard and headed God’s word, we pray:

For the gift of vocations: for all married, consecrated, and ordained people who have chosen their vocations with a desire to build God’s Kingdom, we pray:

For the grace to rejoice in the success of others, let go of past injuries, and encourage one another toward fuller lives, we pray:

For those who are ill and have asked for our prayers. May they be healed by God’s loving touch, including, John Ramberg, and Tom Diger, we pray:

For those who have died. May they find comfort in the arms of God, especially, Connie Edwards, and for those who mourn the passing of loved ones, we pray:


Saving God, you sent your Son to speak to us words both gracious and challenging. Hear our prayers that we might heed what he speaks to us and live faithfully the life to which he calls us. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.