Prayers of the Faithful for February 23 & 24, 2019


Confident in God’s mercy and compassion, let us present our needs to the Lord.


For the Church: that we may be instruments of God’s mercy and kindness by sharing what we have received with others who are hurting, we pray:

For all bishops and religious leaders: that God will give them wisdom and courage to address the issues of abuse and complacency in the church, we pray:

For all who have been our enemies, whether politically, economically, or personally: that we may let go of hurts and grudges and seek a new understanding of them, we pray:

For the insight to recognize those in need as our sisters and brothers and the courage to respond to them as friends, we pray:

For conversion of our hearts: that God will free us from returning evil for evil and help us confront evil with love and mercy, we pray:

For all who are ill, including, Tom Diger, Cheri Henderson, Terri Ennett, Madelyn Kozitza, Mary Matthis, and Mary Jane Franzen. May God lift their burden and fill their hearts with peace, we pray:

For all who have died, especially, Patricia Rohde, the mother of Michele Engstrom. May they share fully in the new life of Christ and live with God forever, we pray:


Gracious God, you call us to emulate your way of love. Grant our prayers that we may trust in your grace as we travel this holy way. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.